Saturday 10 December 2016

Final Poster

This is our final poster. In the end we created a brand new poster due to having new footage which has better lighting and fitted better with the genre of social realism. I think this will captivate audiences attention when the poster is launced and will encourage them to watch our film.

1 comment:

  1. Joe - can you make some improvements to this?
    I don't think that the billing block works on the bricks now that I can see the finished version. If this were full size, this part of the poster would dominate, and that would never be the case. Remember the purpose of the poster - to sell the film to the target audience - the billing block is a contractual element which is always very small. So - I suggest you replace that with review comments (say 3), from appropriate sources. Present these as they would be on real short film posters (or indie UK full length). Go back and look at my list of what to include and not include - you have no social media here, and no website. These are important. Move the billing block down to the bottom left corner, and replace it with reviews. You should use ones with words - stars are less usual for short films. Check likely sources carefully for accuracy.
