Thursday 8 December 2016

Planning Review

On the 4th of December, Alex and I did a rough plan for our review.

As the writing isn't very clear I shall type it out.

Paragraph 1
  • Director, Actors
  • The messages of social realisation "playing on heartstrings"
  • Element of context- homelessness (find statistics in Brighton
Paragraph 2
  • Scene 1
  • Link to the genre (hint)
  • Introducing the protagonist 
  • Representation of class.
Paragraph 3

  • Genre
  • Issues
  • Plot 

Paragraph 4
  • Plot Twist 
Paragraph 5
  • Conclusion

We decided to start the first paragraph with the directors and actors so we could set the picture of who was going to be in and also combining in with the message of social realism and the context it allows the readers of the magazine to understand what is in store for them and hopefully encourage to watch the film as it might have aspects which is ideal for them.

Paragraph 2 is all about introducing the audience into the film with information about the protagonist and a summary of scene 1. This can help make the readers decide whether it sounds good to them. By hinting to the genre it allows us to reveal the rest of it later in the review.

Paragraph 3 hits the key parts of the film. This is the reveal of how we as film makers managed to target these isssues within our plot and how it fits into the genre. By describing the plot we won't reveal the whole storyline as the plot twist is a key moment.

In paragraph 4 the plot twist is talked about but not explained thoroughly. This will encourage the audience to watch the film due to hyping up the plot twist.

Conclusion will reveal the overall thoughts of the film.

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