Tuesday 29 November 2016

Poster option with feedback

Reasons why my poster will not be put forward for the final 2 posters!

Here is my printed poster.

The reason we decided not to put my poster through to the final 2 is due to the fact it is way too dark and you cannot see the protagonist which is the main focus on the poster. This defies the audience of understanding the social representaton and the bad representation of Women.

I also had someone else evaluate my poster so that I could get a second opinion before we went forward and the evaluated agreed with my thoughts.


I asked Jake the following questions whilst he was looking at my poster. He also gave his own opinion on the poster and what the positives and negatives were.

Do you think this would be a good poster for our short film?

What do you think of the title, called "The Magazine"?

Do you think it fits in with the poster?

Here is the filmed evaluation.


Now we will use either Joe's or Alex's.

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