Tuesday 15 November 2016

Poster Ideas

Poster Ideas 


For my poster idea I originally set out to use a picture of Louise looked glammed up and to use it in the style of a magazine which could then link to the title of the film and where it features in our film. 

An idea to look like this. But after the rest of the group deciding to do something similar I chose to use a picture I took on one of our shoots.

From looking at short film posters I decided to create a horror type effect with my photo by making it darker and letting the audience anticipate what 'The Magazine' means with the story line. It creates enigma and is confusing.  

This is one of the short film posters I took inspiration from.


Room 107 is a short film created in 2011 about a girl who enchanted a traveller in a hotel room.
I particularly liked the darkness in the poster because it makes it more eerie and creates tension about what happens in Room 107. 
Click here to see my blog post on Room 107

This is the original picture for my Poster. As you can see it is quite light but with a tool on Photoshop I have darkened it to make the red lights more dramatic and captivating. Because Louise is tied up it adds tension to the poster and will make the audience want to watch it.

The representation of Women in this film poster will be a bad representation due to her being tied up and portraying that it is easy to control Women. Although in our film it shows a sterotypical representation of Women liking shopping and being admired by people, thisid not the best message but our true message is social understanding which is revealed at the end.

1 comment:

  1. This is a good image Imogen, and you can use space effectively. When you justify your decisions, you should comment on the representation of your female victim, and the effects of using a stereotypical image. Will your story challenge this or not?
