Thursday 10 November 2016

Poster Analysis #4 The Imitation Game

Image result for the imitation game film poster

Media Language

The layout is that the main character is in the centre of the poster and takes up most of the poster representing that he is the main character, his facial expressions are sincere which links to his position of work which is shown through writing of "Behind every code there is an enigma" as his work is the enigma code. His costume is very smart by his shirt and tie which shows that he is important and his hair is slicked back to represents that he is serious about his work.Underneath is the title which is small and is not the main focus of the poster because the focus is the character who is centred but it has a yellow colour to stand out against his shirt and tie whilst the background colour of the poster is red. This has connotations of blood and danger which could represent ideas for the film. There is a pattern of circles over the poster overlaying the characters face, it is a very symmetrical pattern which could represent the characters personality of liking things organised and in order.

The tagline is "Behind every code is an enigma". This links to the enigma code created by Alan Turing which represents that the film is about the enigma code and can link to the circles being very repetitive and intense like cracking the code. The imitation game is based on a true story about Alan Turing cracking the enigma code.

The Imitation Game is rated 12A due to it's sexual and nudity references, violence and gore and it's frightening scenes.


The representation of wealth and middle class is shown through the costume of a suit and tie and also his poised body language which shows he is someone important. He also represents a stressed out person due to his intense facial expressions which links to his genre of work as a code breaker.


The Imitation Game is a biological thriller film. It is shown that it is a biological film through it being based on Alan Turing's ground breaking work on breaking the enigma code but shows thriller genre features through the use of blood, gore and violence but suspense also within the film.

1 comment:

  1. Imogen - this is far too short to achieve higher than a low D or even E. You need to improve these with much more detail, and evidence of use of MRANG concepts. You need to go back to examples looked at in class, advice, and last year's level 4 blogs. Eg there is far more you could say about conventions for this poster.
