Thursday 10 November 2016

Poster Analysis #3 We Need To Talk About Kevin

Media Language

The actors both have sincere facial expressions shown by using a close up shot, the top female is staring into the distance on the right, she looks frightened but concerned whilst the bottom male character has an evil look about him as he stares into the camera with wide eyes. It makes you feel for more intimidated and adds intensity to the film. The main image is of a male and a female, due to the title "We need to talk about Kevin" it represents the relationship between the characters as it takes a close bond to "talk about" them. Due to the characters showing close resemblance you can tell that they are related as their facial expressions mirror each other and they have similar Caucasian features with dark hair and pale skin. The images don't relate to the background as the shots are close ups to see their sincere facial expressions which don't relate to a background. The lighting of the poster is mid lit because it makes the red titling look more severe, the red also represents blood and gore which can give a hint to what the film is about. The title is in the centre of the poster where "KEVIN" is bigger than the rest of the writing which represents that he is the main character and that he has a problem due to them having to talk about him.

It has a film festival entry winner logo on the poster, this lets people know that the film is of a good standad if it has won an award.

We Need To Talk About Kevin was described as  "masquerades as a psychological puzzle but is essentially a horror film full of decorous sensationalism". Therefore it is rated as a 15 due to blood, gore and mild nudity. The film was originally premiered at Cannes Film Festival where they were successful and then went onto showing.

There is no tagline but a review by The Times calling it "Earth shattering" with a 5 star rating to attract the audience to watch it from the poster


The female actor is represented as scared and worried, this could be because of Motherly instinct but the glare in her eyes posses anger towards the male character. The male actor is represented as evil due to his long stare into the character which can show he has done something bad. These representations make the film more appealing to watch. There is a strong representation of family values within the poster as the 2 characters on the poster have similar looks and the title shows that she cares.


The genre is a psychotic thriller which is shown by the rating on the poster "an earth-shattering film". You can tell that is it a psychotic thriller due to the intense stare in both the characters eyes, the male character looks more severe so it represents that he is in control over the female.

1 comment:

  1. Imogen - my comments are the same as above. Here again, your analysis of genre is far too short to attract any marks at all. Use detailed evidence, terms (eg iconography, semantic codes etc). Much more effort needed.
