Thursday 24 November 2016

Re-shooting - Alex

When we were in Brighton the camera we were given broke so we had to resort to using an Iphone to film our short film. It looked good at the time but when we put the footage into final cut pro the quality of it was not up to standard so we have decided to re-shoot some of our footage. Due to limited time we will not be able to go to Brighton to film and will have to substitue and film somewhere more local like in Burgess hill. We will have to try and make the footage look as though it is in Brighton so the shots will be restrcited as oppsed to unrestricted like before. Filming in two different locations may make the film confusing especially as Brighton is so much bigger and more interesting than Burgess Hill so we will try to use transitions so that the sudden change won't be as obvious. We will record the progress as we re-film and hopefully the final result will improve the standard of our short film.

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