Monday 21 November 2016

My finished poster design - Alex

This is my idea for a poster for our film. I have made the title to biggest because it draws attention to the film and because on a actual magazine cover the name of the magazine would be the biggest aspect of it. Our film is called The Magazine because it is all about how a girl reads a magazine and dreams about being on the cover of it and then we find out that she is homeless and fell asleep reading a magazine called 'The Magazine'. However then part of the dream comes to life and we don't know if the dream was real or not. The magazine is the start and end to all of the problems and also the name of the magazine is 'The Magazine' which sounds daunting and almost like a horror. My design is simplistic because it is a simple idea. We can't give too much information away in our poster because there is a plot twist at the end which we want people to be surprised by and this is why I've mentioned the plot twist on the poster, to draw people in and to keep them guessing throughout the film. The red symbolises blood as I researched on other posters such as the silence of the lambs and I used it because the story could be seen as a little bit dark. The girl on our poster is our main character and the most important because she is the one having the dream.

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