Wednesday 9 November 2016

I, Daniel Blake Poster analysis

This is the film poster for the independent British film 'I, Daniel Blake'. The first thing noticeable is the grey background on which everything is set. This sets a mood for the film, suggesting that the film will include some serious tones or social realism, helping confirms the films genre. The grey also works well because the text is still clear and effective, and with the text adds an urban feel to the film. This is also present in the title, which is composed quite large in at the bottom, in graffiti text. The choice of using graffiti text adds a number of tones the the poster. It adds an urban feel, suggesting that the film may centre around the streets, or maybe lower working class. The graffiti also adds a sense of rebellion, as the way the character is composed in the poster could suggest that it was him who wrote it. It contrasts with the much more organised text above it, where all the film reviews are composed across the wall. The reviews are blocked together into one huge block of text that spans the wall, making it stand out as a poster. The font is bold, and stands out from the wall behind. Particular words and phrases are highlighted in red text, making them very bold on screen. This helps emphasize the praise that this film has been given, and the audience's eye is drawn to all these very positive reviews. This works with the films promotion, as it is clearly showing that lots of different companies think that this is a good film, and have therefore left positive reviews. The character is composed within the poster so that he stands out. There is a shadow cast behind him, showing that he is not simply superimposed over the background, but actually there and interacting with it. His posture, particularly the raised fist shows a range of themes; success ,accomplishment, moving forwards, etc. This shows that the film is centred around the character's success or personal achievement, and  hints that the film will include the full journey of his success. His clothes appear to be that of an average working class citizen, hinting that the character is of modest background, and that this could be an underdog type narrative.

1 comment:

  1. There is good detail here Joe, but you can do more to show that you know whether the techniques used are conventional for posters. Can you discuss layout in more depth, and comment more fully on the use of reviews - this many says a lot about the status of this film maker.
