We have decided that the two locations that we will film our short film in are Brighton and our College. We have chosen brighton because it works well with the contrast of locations in our narrative. It has busy high streets and an often packed shopping centre, which will be good to use for our scenes where the protagonist is surrounded by people. Brighton also has lots of often very quiet alleys, where we can easily film the kidnapping scene. The scene we will shoot in the college will take place in the dark room that the college has. This will be the scene where the protagonist wakes up and is surrounded by photos of herself.
I have been to brighton to see where we could film our scenes. Churchill Square shopping centre is probably the best place to film the first few scenes, as it always has people walking through. This will work well with our narrative and animatics, as the protagonist receives looks from lots of people as she walks through somewhere busy. The shopping centre is usually busy, however it will definitely be less busy during the weekdays than the weekends. I went to visit on thursday around midday, and it was not too busy. I think the best time to film this will be mid-week, probably in the morning around 9 or 10, as there will be some people there, but not too many to get in the way of our filming. Lighting could vary in this location, as there are glass panels on the roof, but also artificial lighting inside. The weather will definitely determine which lighting is most prominent, so we can check the weather in order to get the lighting we want.

For the scene where the protagonist finds the poster of herself on a wall, we have chosen to film outside of Pryzm. This is right by the seafront and the cinema. We have chosen this location because it has lots of posters on the outside of the building, and the addition of our poster will not seem unusual. As well as this, it is usually quite quiet along the path beside it, which helps for easier filming. The only problems with filming here would be that it is right next to the seafront, and we may have to get permission to film outside or to film the poster. The fact that it is right next to the seafront means that wind could be a problem, as it could affect our audio quality. We will try and avoid this by using an external mic, and picking a day to film where it is less windy.

The next location would be the alley in which the kidnapping takes place. This alley will need to have a road going down it, as we have planned for a car to be used during the kidnapping. There are several narrow streets in Brighton by the seafront, before the Laines. They are fairly secluded, and not too many people walk down them. During my visit, not one car drove down, so it is fair to say the roads in the narrow streets are seldom used. This will be a good opportunity to film, as the lack of people will suit the secluded nature of the scene, and the lack of cars will make it much easier to film.

The last location we need is the dark room at college. Imogen has been inside and photographed the room, and it looks perfect for our film. We will need permission from visual arts in order to use the room. We will get permission once we have decided when to film this, and permission shouldn't be difficult to get because one of my other subjects is a visual art. The room is dark, and has the exact lighting that we need. We will use artificial lighting, probably in the form of the rooms lights and direct spotlights, for this scene because we can emphasize the characters distortion, and show that this is a kidnapping. As well as this, there will be no one else here when we are filming, so our filming here can be very conrolled.
I agree Joe with your comments about time to film in Brighton. Note my question about permission at Churchill Sq above. You should attempt to request it.