Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Magazine aspect

In our short film we have a couple scenes where a magazine /poster is used to show the character that she is famous by showing her, herself on the cover of a magazine.

We will take a picture of the actor playing the main character (Louise, Alex's friend) and Joe will Photoshop her face onto the magazine and poster so that when the transition comes to her waking up and discovering it was a dream, she can look at the magazine and the audience will establish the difference of the character and the magazine girl revealing the dream.

We plan to use the magazine/poster in a shot where a little girl approaches the main character with a magazine asking her for her autograph, this is part of the emphasising that she is famous but doesn't realise that she is. The second scene where the poster is used will be when she walks past PRZYM where posters are located on the side of the wall, this will be shown with a variety of LS, MD and Close Up's.

Here are some ideas for the autograph picture:

These magazine covers would be easy to Photoshop a different face on and it also fits the age of the girl asking for an autograph.

1 comment:

  1. Good idea - leave plenty of time to do this though. I wonder whether Grazia might be a more appropriate choice?
