Monday, 2 January 2017

Evaluation- Question 2

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

UK film distributors alone spend around £300 million a year on bringing new releases to market, and building awareness and interest among audiences. It's a fast-moving, highly competitive, high-stakes business. One method of creating a successful marketing campaign is a film poster  which can captivate audiences attentions through an eye catching image and a punchy headline. Film companies will target specific audiences and make the poster appeal to them and make them watch it. Within a marketing campaign, something has to become recognisable such as a logo. An example of a recognisable logo within a film and poster is The Incredibles. Within the The Incredibles there is the iconic logo on the 'i' which is on all of the families suits and is featured throughout the film in moments of danger and even on the opening title sequence. It is useful to have such an iconic logo as it defines the characters and matches the title of 'Incredibles' with the I. It is an important feature as it is definitive of the motif of the film which we have managed to match with our film and poster. The Incredibles use the same font throughout the whole film which is effective because it conveys the genre and plot of the superhero ideas and the white writing contrasts well against the red.  Our posters image is a shot taken from our film so it is linked together, this allows the audience to recognise the poster within the film. The use of the picture of our protagonist being homeless is used to create awareness of the genre of social realism and in general about homelessness. Our aim is to intrigue the audience of the poster by confusing them about why is this girl homeless and what is the link to a magazine from the title, we hope this encourages people to be captivated and come and watch our film. Our font is not used throughout our film because we decided to use a font which blends into the brick wall making it more subtle and doesn't draw attention away from the main picture which is the key feature. The font of the title is of a curly style writing because we wanted it to convey a magazine style instead of fitting in with the poster as it displayed on a black slide. Neither the curly font would suit the poster or the brick font would fit the titling therefore we opted out of it defying typical short film conventions. The genre is communicated to the target demographic by the use of the protagonist sat against the brick wall on the grass covered in a blanket which has dark lighting filtering into the poster from the corner.
The dark lighting connotes pain and misery to the audience, therefore they can associate these connotations with a foreboding bad ending due to the lack of brightness and cheerfulness in the background. Our use of lighting is effective because on one side there is sunlight filtering in and the other side there is darkness. This represents that our protagonist either can choose to go to the light or the dark and that she is stuck of the middle representing her psychological mental state because she has had her dream problems and unable to grasps reality. The white text at the top and centre of the poster which consists of the title name and the billing block are coloured white but are slightly faded which conveys our genre of a thriller and social realsim because white is associated with innocence and goodness and our protagonist is portrayed to be that. The fadedness represents the harsh reality of being homeless and how our protagonists life is fading away. Overall, the theme, content and genre are successfully conveyed in the sense that the audience feel eager to know more, therefore they would go and see the film.  Also, Film Festivals such as Cambridge Film Festival and Portobello Free Film Festival offer young filmmakers the opportunity to show their films in front of a live audience which is another way of delivering a film to the target demographic. It gives short films the boost they need in the film industry. In our poster we used mentions of the Tribeca Film Festival and ASFF Film Festival to create links to our successful film which will encourage people to watch it.
Another marketing technique is using a film review to reach the target audience this helps us inform our audiences, describe the plot, analyse the film and advise them to watch it. The review can be good or bad but it is the audience interpretation of the review which really matters. Due to us writing a review for Little White Lies we had to bare in mind that our target audience wasn't the same as Little White Lies so the review is fairly rated and reviewed accuratley using references to other films with the middle class use of voice so it appeals to the Little White Lies Audience.
The language tends to be complex and chatty at the same time which allows the review to carry undertones of seriousness but also to seem friendly and engaging to read. Little White Lies likes to use a variety of styles when writing in order to appeal to their target demographic. The style can vary from:

  • Nouns/complex nouns
  • Complex sentences
  • Restricted Codes in language
  • Adverbs
  • Metaphors
  • Puns
  • Adjectives
  • Rhetorical questions


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