Feedback from Target Audience
On the 5th of January our target audience watched our film and made comments about what was good and bad about our short film specifying on concepts of camera, editing, mise en scene and sound. These are aspects which we will need to evaluate in our exam.
This was useful because this is the first set of feedback we have had about our short film giving us ideas on how to quickly improve it and edit new things in.
-The editing was good, with a good use of varying transitions and the editing is done in a way that makes the meaning apparent to the audience.
-The footage used for the shot that follows the protagonist was very shaky which was apparent when the footage was sped up. This shot could be shortened to make the shot less shaky.

-Very good use of shot framing with all appropriate characters and props on screen
-Appropriate use of sound which complements the editing-Questionable use of transitions in first scene
-Time lapse of walking seemed to fill time rather than generate further meaning
-Unsure of the meaning of 'The Magazine'
- Good use of appropriate sound (parallel to imagery).
- There was a good use of props which suggested meaning, for example; the blanket to show being homeless.
-The soundtracks fitted well
-Varied shot angles-Variations of foley's to exaggerate situations
-Unclear shots in the darker room
-Camera movement was quite scatty
-The storyline was a bit confusing, but also good use of elipsis